1. Do you think there are negative aspects to having technology in the classroom? What are those aspects? What part of a child's education are suffering? (For example, handwriting, social skills, interpersonal skills, etc.)
2. Give three detailed examples of how technology can be used in the classroom to help students with special needs. (For example, how students have speech needs, physical disabilities, learning a new language, etc.).
3. How do you think that technology is now assisting teachers or helping us do our job more fully? Think in such ways of incorporating Smart Boards into lessons, using Word templates for lesson plan organization, and Grade Machine or Excel for grading purposes.
4. In the article, "Technology Integrations" there is an activity, please do the activity and answer the questions and post. The questions are 1) Do you think these sites would engage your students? Why? 2) Which site(s) could you use with your students? How? 3) Did these sites make you want to find more like them? Why?
5. How much of a student's day at school should include the use of technology? Please justify your answer. Think about your classroom and how you will teach your students, how often and for how long will you use Smart Boards, computers, videos, etc. within lessons.